Postpartum Pack+ | Perifit Care+ & Perifit Pump

Sale priceCHF 230.40 Regular priceCHF 288.00
Pumps: Single
Flange Size: 15mm
How to choose your size?

Choose your flange size


Stimulate your nipple until it perks up and measure the diameter of your nipple in mm, from base to base. You can measure it with any ruler, an online ruler, or our printable sizing tool.

We recommend measuring your nipple before pumping or breastfeeding, as it should be at rest and not enlarged by suction. Be sure to measure both nipples, as they may differ in size.

Then choose the corresponding flange size:

Measurement Flange size
up to 11mm 15mm
from 11mm to 14mm 18mm
from14mm to 17mm 21mm
from17mm to 20mm 24mm
from20mm to 25mm 27mm


If you need two different sizes for each breast:

 If you are buying a double Perifit Pump, add two single Perifit Pumps of different sizes to the cart and apply the discount code MIXMATCHDOUBLE.
 You can also opt to buy an additional flange.

Tips for detecting the wrong size:
• Your nipple rubs against the sides of the tunnel and creates discomfort or irritation: your flange is probably too small
• Excess areola tissue is sucked into the tunnel: your flange is probably too large
• Is there any visible redness?
• Is your nipple or areola turning white?
• Do you feel that not all your milk has been pumped after expression? If you find yourself in one of these situations, we recommend that you try a different size flange. Do not hesitate to contact us to help accompany you with your choice!

Size Perifit Size EU
L 34-36
XL 38-40
XXL 42-44

🥰 Embrace modern motherhood with our Perifit Pump and Perifit Care+ bundle, designed to help you navigate the postpartum journey

👩‍⚕️ Evidence-based effectiveness in reducing urinary leaks and improving pelvic strength with Perifit Care+

😍 The unique hospital-grade breast pump that fits comfortably in your bra all while being silent, powerful, and connected. A real win, win, win, win.

💆‍♀️ 24/7 access to our highly rated Perifit customer service team composed of experts all dedicated to your success

🎁 Makes the perfect gift! Offer a new mom tranquillity and ease of mind with products that are sure to positively impact her wellbeing postpartum

📝 Registry must-have: this bundle sets you up with everything you need to conquer postpartum like a boss

30-day trial

Try peacefully with our 30-day money-back guarantee

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Pump freely, without wires or tubes

😍 Smart portable breast pump
👙 Slips directly into your bra
✅ No wires or tubes, hands-free
👜 Pump wherever you want
❤️ Pump whenever you want
🙌 While doing whatever you want

A breast pump so discreet you forget you’re pumping

✅ Unique noise-cancelling technology
😌 As quiet as a whisper at 35 dB
😍 Compact size for discretion
💃 Invisible under loose clothing
👩‍💻 In-app control and monitoring
🥰 No need to undress anymore

Boost your milk production

💪 Maximum power of up to 300mmHg
🏥 Equivalent to hospital-grade pump
✅ Tailored programs and rhythms
👩‍⚕️ Virtual coaching in the free app
❤️ Flexible and soft silicone flange
💆‍♀️ Gentle and pain-free suction

Enjoy true comfort and ease

😍 Easy assembly in just 10 seconds
💦 Quick & easy dishwasher cleaning
💆‍♀️ Comfortable silicone flange
✅ Up to 7 sessions with 1 charge
❤️ Automatic mode switching
🙏 Full-bottle notification in app

Choose the best for your breastfeeding journey


Perifit Pump

Hands-free portable breast pump

Fixed hospital-grade breast pump

Suction power

💪 300 mmHg

🫥 150-200 mmHg

💪 300 mmHg

Noise emission

💆‍♀️ 35 dB

😵‍💫 45 dB

😵 50 dB

Freedom of movement



hours saved on average compared to fixed breast pumps*


liters of milk produced by Perifit Pump users*

160 ml Bottle

The detachable 160ml graduated bottle with cap is BPA and microplastics- free, and designed to collect and store milk.

Soft Silicone Flange

The soft silicone flanges drive performance throughout your milk production. In direct contact with your breast, the flexible silicone applies gentle compression to the nipple to facilitate milk production while minimizing discomfort.

USB Charging

The battery has approximately 120 minutes of autonomy and can be recharged via an included USB cable.

Control Buttons

These buttons allow you to choose between two modes (stimulation or expression) and adjust suction intensity.

Powerful, quiet, and smart breast pump

The casing contains a powerful motor, unique noise-cancellation technology, automatic milk level detection, and Bluetooth connectivity to track, control, and optimize the breast pump from the free app.

Leak-Proof System

Pump with peace of mind thanks to our leak-preventing design.

Premium Materials

BPA-free and dishwasher friendly for your comfort and convenience.

2-Year Warranty

Ease of mind with a warranty covering express replacement in case of breakdown.

Bluetooth Connection

The Bluetooth Low Energy antenna meets medical device safety standards.

30-Day Trial

Buy risk-free knowing you can return for free with our 30-day money-back guarantee.

Enhance your comfort and boost milk production

Milk Level Tracking

No need to undress to monitor your session; the app allows you to track the bottle's fill level in real-time.

Automatic Control

The breast pump automatically switches to expression mode, and you can precisely program the session.

Full-Bottle Notification

Avoid spills by receiving a smartphone notification as soon as the bottle reaches 80% capacity.

Customizable Suction

Boost your milk production by identifying the suction pattern that maximizes the amount of milk produced for your breast pumping.

Personalized Program

Optimize your sessions by choosing the breastfeeding program that best suits your pumping goals.

Virtual Coaching

Get the most out of your sessions with personalized advice and detailed tracking of your progress.


I love Perifit Pump! I get as much milk as with my wired breast pump, but in half the time!

Dr. Mallory Hertz

Customer Reviews

Based on 120 reviews
Emily Johnson
A frank and honest review

f you still have questions about buying this machine, read this comment to the end! It's true, at first glance you might think "damn, it's a bit expensive and not covered by insurance," but honestly, you won't regret it. Don't waste your time getting the pharmacy breast pump that takes up the entire surface of your living room table, that makes so much noise you have to turn up the TV volume, and that clearly makes you feel like you're Marguerite producing milk for Danone with both flanges in each hand.
I discovered Perifit Pump only for my second child, and I regret not having it for my first one… You will be able to enjoy the simple things in life, like going shopping for a day without your baby, continuing a conversation at the dinner table with friends, balancing work and breastfeeding, taking long car trips, etc. This breast pump goes everywhere with you!
However, if you want your breastfeeding and milk production to work, I think it's important to sit down while pumping, just as you would when breastfeeding your child. You would never do the dishes or an abdominal workout while breastfeeding your baby, right? So don't do it with your breast pump either. SIT DOWN!
It has very good battery life.
The only small drawback I can mention is that it is still bulky in the bra, and you look a bit like Pamela Anderson with it on.
And if you have any issues, customer service is very responsive and attentive!
So don't hesitate for a single second and press "add to cart" 😉
A dairy mom who wishes you well.

The freedom to pump

I bought this breast pump when I went back to work after maternity leave. I am totally satisfied; it allows me to keep working (office job) and pump at the same time. I feel like it has increased my lactation. The milk measurement isn't always accurate, but that doesn't bother me in its use. It would be great if there were a cover to store it (I currently use my headphone case).

Jessica Brown

I received my pumps this week. I was already using a rented breast pump, but I felt like I wasn't pumping much with it these past few days… In one session with the Perifit Pump, I pumped double what I had been getting with the other one recently. So, efficiency-wise, we're at the top!
Also, I sometimes need to pump in public places for my job (fairs, exhibitions, or on the train), and even without an oversized sweater, it's still quite discreet! In short, I'm delighted 😀
I also need to give a special mention to the after-sales service, which immediately sent me (and for free) the right size flange after an error in the order!
Thank you!

Ashley Davis
Convenient and effective

As effective as my Seinbiose breast pump. Quite quiet, although you can still hear it a bit, especially when working at the same time. It's the least painful breast pump I've tried. All parts can be disassembled and cleaned easily. It's very convenient to pump one breast with the baby on the other breast. Everything can be controlled from the phone app once the device is in place, practical! It really helped me with breastfeeding even though it's a big investment, it was worth it! The only downside is that it's not easy to find a bra or sports bra that allows you to position it properly and comfortably enough to do other things at the same time. I use it while eating, driving, sitting on my couch, or sitting without too much movement. If I move around too much, I find it less comfortable because the device is still a bit heavy. Creating a suitable bra that could be sold along with it seems like a good idea to me. But in any case, I recommend it, it's still much more convenient than a hospital breast pump!


I am delighted with my purchase. The breast pumps are well supported, and thanks to the app, we can tell if it's not too tilted. I take them with me to work, and it's really convenient to keep pumping in peace!
It is as effective as my pharmacy breast pump.

Reviews in Other Languages

Marie Magueur
L'un de mes meilleurs achats relatifs à bébé !

J'ai acheté ce tire-lait, en double, après avoir longtemps hésité, et je ne regrette absolument pas. Il m'a permis de constituer un solide stock afin que la nounou de mon bébé puisse lui donner des biberons de lait maternel à ma reprise du travail et même pour que mon mari puisse le nourrir alors que j'étais partie plusieurs jours en séminaire professionnel. J'ai également pu maintenir ma lactation en tirant trois fois par jour au bureau pendant plusieurs mois.

Est-il silencieux ? Non, mais j'ai un bureau personnel. J'ai tiré une fois en réunion, et il n'est pas vraiment discret, mais bon, nous avons fait avec pendant un petit moment, et le bruit des voix couvre le bruit de la machine.

L'application est rarement capable d'indiquer le bon niveau de lait tiré, dans mon cas elle a souvent tendance à le sous-estimer. Les graduations de la bouteille ne sont pas précises non plus, je dois retirer une bonne dizaine de millilitres.

Malgré tout, je donne cinq étoiles car ce sont de petits détails qui ne m'ont pas empêchée d'utiliser mon tire-lait quotidiennement. Je n'ai pas essayé son concurrent Elvie, mais au vu de mon utilisation, je ne suis pas certaine que la différence de prix soit justifiée. Je déplore tout de même l'absence d'une pochette de transport, fournie avec Elvie. Un grand sac isotherme fait toutefois l'affaire.

Ce tire-lait reste l'un de mes meilleurs achats et m'a permis de nourrir mon bébé au lait maternel exclusivement jusqu'à ses six mois.

Mention spéciale à Carla, du service client.

Sophie Becker

Ich habe diese Woche meine Pumpe erhalten. Vorher hatte ich eine aus der Apotheke gemietet, aber in den letzten Tagen fühlte es sich so an, als käme kaum noch etwas heraus. Mit der Perifit-Pumpe habe ich in einer Sitzung die doppelte Menge abgepumpt im Vergleich zu vorher. Effizienz: top!
Da ich beruftlich oft in der Öffentlichkeit abpumpen muss (z.B. auf Messen, Ausstellungen oder im Zug), kann ich bestätigen, dass sie auch ohne XXL-Pullover ziemlich unauffällig ist. Kurz gesagt: Ich bin begeistert.😀
Besonderes Lob geht an den Kundenservice, der mich sofort und kostenlos die richtige Flaschenschild-Größe geschickt hat, nachdem bei der Bestellung ein Fehler passiert war. Vielen Dank!

Tess Visser
Handig en effectief

Net zo effectief als mijn Seinbiose-borstkolf. Vrij stil, al hoor je hem nog wel een beetje, vooral als je ondertussen werkt. Dit is de minst pijnlijke kolf die ik ooit heb geprobeerd. Alle onderdelen zijn makkelijk uit elkaar te halen en schoon te maken. Heel handig om te kolven aan één borst terwijl je je baby aan de andere borst voedt. Alles kan via de app worden bediend zodra het apparaat op zijn plek zit—super praktisch! Het heeft me echt geholpen met borstvoeding. Hoewel het een flinke investering is, is het absoluut de moeite waard! Het enige nadeel is dat het lastig is om een beha of sportbeha te vinden waarin hij goed en comfortabel blijft zitten. Ik gebruik hem tijdens het eten, autorijden, op de bank zitten of als ik niet te veel beweeg. Als ik te veel rondloop, zit het minder prettig, omdat het apparaat toch wat zwaar is.
Een bijpassende beha zou een slimme toevoeging zijn!
Maar hoe dan ook, ik raad hem aan. Veel handiger dan een ziekenhuisborstkolf!

* The hours saved correspond to the average duration of Perifit Pump usage; milk quantity indications are derived from milk level measurements in the Perifit Pump app. These values are calculated from data extraction of 3000 anonymized user data from the mobile application in December 2023.