Perifit Pump | Hands-free Wearable Breast Pump

Sale priceCHF 144.00
Pumps: Single
Flange Size: 15mm
How to choose your size?

Choose your flange size


Stimulate your nipple until it perks up and measure the diameter of your nipple in mm, from base to base. You can measure it with any ruler, an online ruler, or our printable sizing tool.

We recommend measuring your nipple before pumping or breastfeeding, as it should be at rest and not enlarged by suction. Be sure to measure both nipples, as they may differ in size.

Then choose the corresponding flange size:

Measurement Flange size
up to 11mm 15mm
from 11mm to 14mm 18mm
from14mm to 17mm 21mm
from17mm to 20mm 24mm
from20mm to 25mm 27mm


If you need two different sizes for each breast:

 If you are buying a double Perifit Pump, add two single Perifit Pumps of different sizes to the cart and apply the discount code MIXMATCHDOUBLE.
 You can also opt to buy an additional flange.

Tips for detecting the wrong size:
• Your nipple rubs against the sides of the tunnel and creates discomfort or irritation: your flange is probably too small
• Excess areola tissue is sucked into the tunnel: your flange is probably too large
• Is there any visible redness?
• Is your nipple or areola turning white?
• Do you feel that not all your milk has been pumped after expression? If you find yourself in one of these situations, we recommend that you try a different size flange. Do not hesitate to contact us to help accompany you with your choice!

Size Perifit Size EU
L 34-36
XL 38-40
XXL 42-44

🙌 Pump discreetly wherever you please with this wireless breast pump that fits comfortably in your bra

📈 Boost your pumping session with our fully customizable rhythms and hospital-grade suction of up to 300mmHg

😍 Pump in any setting with unique noise reduction technology down to 35 dB, as silent as a whisper

💆‍♀️ Simplify your pumping routine by tracking milk levels and controlling the pump from the app without undressing

Made with BPA-free, food-safe materials that are dishwasher safe

❤️ Track your progress with the free app that supports you throughout your breastfeeding journey

30-day trial

Try peacefully with our 30-day money-back guarantee

Free shipping

Enjoy free shipping and free returns

Pump freely, without wires or tubes

😍 Smart portable breast pump
👙 Slips directly into your bra
✅ No wires or tubes, hands-free
👜 Pump wherever you want
❤️ Pump whenever you want
🙌 While doing whatever you want

A breast pump so discreet you forget you’re pumping

✅ Unique noise-cancelling technology
😌 As quiet as a whisper at 35 dB
😍 Compact size for discretion
💃 Invisible under loose clothing
👩‍💻 In-app control and monitoring
🥰 No need to undress anymore

Boost your milk production

💪 Maximum power of up to 300mmHg
🏥 Equivalent to hospital-grade pump
✅ Tailored programs and rhythms
👩‍⚕️ Virtual coaching in the free app
❤️ Flexible and soft silicone flange
💆‍♀️ Gentle and pain-free suction

Enjoy true comfort and ease

😍 Easy assembly in just 10 seconds
💦 Quick & easy dishwasher cleaning
💆‍♀️ Comfortable silicone flange
✅ Up to 7 sessions with 1 charge
❤️ Automatic mode switching
🙏 Full-bottle notification in app

Choose the best for your breastfeeding journey


Perifit Pump

Hands-free portable breast pump

Fixed hospital-grade breast pump

Suction power

💪 300 mmHg

🫥 150-200 mmHg

💪 300 mmHg

Noise emission

💆‍♀️ 35 dB

😵‍💫 45 dB

😵 50 dB

Freedom of movement



hours saved on average compared to fixed breast pumps*


liters of milk produced by Perifit Pump users*

160 ml Bottle

The detachable 160ml graduated bottle with cap is BPA and microplastics- free, and designed to collect and store milk.

Soft Silicone Flange

The soft silicone flanges drive performance throughout your milk production. In direct contact with your breast, the flexible silicone applies gentle compression to the nipple to facilitate milk production while minimizing discomfort.

USB Charging

The battery has approximately 120 minutes of autonomy and can be recharged via an included USB cable.

Control Buttons

These buttons allow you to choose between two modes (stimulation or expression) and adjust suction intensity.

Powerful, quiet, and smart breast pump

The casing contains a powerful motor, unique noise-cancellation technology, automatic milk level detection, and Bluetooth connectivity to track, control, and optimize the breast pump from the free app.

Leak-Proof System

Pump with peace of mind thanks to our leak-preventing design.

Premium Materials

BPA-free and dishwasher friendly for your comfort and convenience.

2-Year Warranty

Ease of mind with a warranty covering express replacement in case of breakdown.

Bluetooth Connection

The Bluetooth Low Energy antenna meets medical device safety standards.

30-Day Trial

Buy risk-free knowing you can return for free with our 30-day money-back guarantee.

Enhance your comfort and boost milk production

Milk Level Tracking

No need to undress to monitor your session; the app allows you to track the bottle's fill level in real-time.

Automatic Control

The breast pump automatically switches to expression mode, and you can precisely program the session.

Full-Bottle Notification

Avoid spills by receiving a smartphone notification as soon as the bottle reaches 80% capacity.

Customizable Suction

Boost your milk production by identifying the suction pattern that maximizes the amount of milk produced for your breast pumping.

Personalized Program

Optimize your sessions by choosing the breastfeeding program that best suits your pumping goals.

Virtual Coaching

Get the most out of your sessions with personalized advice and detailed tracking of your progress.


I love Perifit Pump! I get as much milk as with my wired breast pump, but in half the time!

Dr. Mallory Hertz

Customer Reviews

Based on 86 reviews
Camilla Moretti
Spedizione rapida, grazie!

Era urgente e vi ringrazio per la consegna veloce!

Francesca Russo
Una recensione sincera e onesta

Se avete ancora dubbi sull'acquisto di questa macchina, leggete questo commento fino alla fine! È vero, a prima vista potreste pensare “accidenti, è un po' caro e non è coperto dall'assicurazione”, ma onestamente non ve ne pentirete. Non perdete tempo a comprare il tiralatte da farmacia che occupa l'intera superficie del tavolo del vostro salotto, che fa così tanto rumore che dovete alzare il volume della TV e che vi fa sentire come Margherita che produce latte per Danone con le flange in ogni mano.
Ho scoperto Perifit Pump solo per il mio secondo figlio e rimpiango di non averlo avuto per il primo... Potrete godervi le cose semplici della vita, come andare a fare shopping per un giorno senza il vostro bambino, continuare una conversazione a tavola con gli amici, conciliare lavoro e allattamento, fare lunghi viaggi in auto, ecc. Questo tiralatte viene portato ovunque con voi!
Tuttavia, se volete che l'allattamento e la produzione di latte funzionino, credo sia importante sedersi durante il tiralatte, proprio come fareste quando allattate il vostro bambino. Non fareste mai i piatti o un allenamento addominale mentre allattate il vostro bambino, giusto? Quindi non fatelo nemmeno con il tiralatte. SEDUTI!
La durata della batteria è molto buona.
L'unico piccolo inconveniente che posso menzionare è che è ancora ingombrante nel reggiseno e si assomiglia un po' a Pamela Anderson.
E se avete qualche problema, il servizio clienti è molto reattivo e attento!
Quindi non esitate nemmeno un secondo e premete “aggiungi al carrello” 😉
Una mamma casalinga che vi augura ogni bene.

Sofia Ricci
Utile averne una o due in più

Per conservare il latte in frigorifero, è utile avere una o due bottiglie in più per non doverle lavare in continuazione! 😉

Chiara Conti
La libertà di tirare il latte

Ho acquistato questo tiralatte quando sono tornata al lavoro dopo il congedo di maternità. Sono molto soddisfatta.. mi permette di continuare a lavorare (in ufficio) e di tirare il latte allo stesso tempo. Sento che ha aumentato la mia lattazione. La misurazione del latte non è sempre precisa, ma questo non mi preoccupa. Sarebbe bello se ci fosse un coperchio per riporlo (attualmente uso la custodia delle cuffie).

Laura Lombardi
Bottiglia Perifit Pump

Molto soddisfatta del mio acquisto. I biberon si sterilizzano molto bene per 10 minuti senza deformarsi.

* The hours saved correspond to the average duration of Perifit Pump usage; milk quantity indications are derived from milk level measurements in the Perifit Pump app. These values are calculated from data extraction of 3000 anonymized user data from the mobile application in December 2023.